INDIA and PAKISTAN-Trust is we Need!!!

About Us:

We are the community of people from both India and Pakistan, commited to  improve relationship among the people of both sides. A community which seeks to reflect through free discussion, every shade of thought and aspiration shared by the citizens of these two neighbouring nations. We are present on social media websites like Facebook and Orkut, encouraging people to interact. we have a lot of people who regularly talk with each other and discuss issues and other things.

We believe, for the betterment of the lives of more than a billion people of sub continent relationship between INDIA and PAKISTAN must be given more importance in general public domain. The common man is the one who feels the heat when ever there is a conflict between two nations. so to ensure public participation in the process of solution is must, only by the people's participation we can hope for a peaceful tommorow.

We are a neophyte in the field and wish people will help us out in achieving the goal of brotherhood through there support.